Image: Kay A/peopleimages.com/ stock.adobe.com
The Western Australia Government has put $150,000 on the table to help small ‘paddock to plate’ livestock producers to continue to supply boutique outlets and farmers markets.
Vouchers of up to $10,000 each will be available to eligible applicants with matching funds to explore local processing options.
The program will assist in investigating business models to ensure consistent access to abattoirs for slaughter requirements.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Western Australian Meat Industry Authority will also continue to provide ongoing expert advice.
“We want to make sure our home-grown quality meat products can continue to be available to WA consumers and visitors through boutique outlets,” said Agriculture and Food Minister Jackie Jarvis.
“This funding will help small livestock producers meet ongoing demand for their products, and contribute to our regional communities.”
Those interested in applying for a voucher will need to attend an information session run by the department, to provide them with information on the process of abattoir set-up and use, and to guide them in completing their application.
The new voucher program builds on the WA Government’s investment in Western Australia’s local value-added sector and is the latest initiative to support the State’s agrifood industries.
“We very much value our small-to-medium enterprises contributing to our local food supply chain and our vibrant agrifood community,” said Warren-Blackwood MLA Jane Kelsbie.
“Our Government has listened to the community and we hope this support will help producers investigate their options.”
Funding applications are now open and details on how to apply are available on the DPIRD website.