Can I Still Reheat My Holiday Ham? And Other Questions About Leftovers

Can I Still Reheat My Holiday Ham? And Other Questions About Leftovers

Food News

The holidays are nearly over, which means if you’ve celebrated like I did, you have a fridge full of leftovers. Accordingly, we asked our readers and scoured our archive for questions about how to use leftovers and how to store them safely. Find our answers below:

Can I only reheat leftovers once?

No! In fact, according to a representative from the USDA, each time you reheat a dish the safety clock “resets” and will last another 3 to 4 days. That said, there are some major caveats:

Firstly, when you reheat the food it has to be brought to 165ºF to kill any growing bacteria. The downside? This temperature will likely overcook your food (think steak, salmon, leafy greens).

Additionally, the flavor and texture will deteriorate greatly with each following cycle. Which is to say, the grilled chicken you’ve reheated for the third time will technically be edible but probably not super enjoyable.

I have a bunch of leftover bits of roast—how should I use them?

You know those leftover bits of turkey or ham you have post-carving? They’re perfect in a breakfast hash.

To make it: cook down a bit of chopped onion and whatever veg you have left, like bits of spinach, fennel, or mushroom. Then add leftover or par-boiled potatoes (sweet potatoes are really amazing here). Toss in your chopped, leftover meat pieces, season to taste, and cook until everything is well browned and a bit crispy. Top with a fried egg, a ton of hot sauce, and enjoy!

Can I freeze food multiple times?

Is it theoretically safe? Sure. Should you do it? No. Thawing drastically affects food and causes major deterioration in cell structure leading to it to be mushy and flavorless. Like with the above reheating question, it is likely that doing this won’t make you sick, but it definitely won’t be delicious.

What do I do with my leftover charcuterie board?

Take this as the perfect opportunity to experiment with your favorite mac and cheese recipe. I’d try it with Stilton and smoked gouda. Adding some diced salami and prosciutto couldn’t hurt either.

How do I store my leftover pie on the counter?

Most pies have a high sugar content, which means they will keep at room temp for up to two days without spoiling. I recommend covering a pie with plastic wrap and then a layer of foil to keep it fresh. Transfer it to the fridge, and you should get an additional five days out of it.

If I’m being extra safe, how long do leftovers really last?

Everyone has their own comfort levels, but the USDA says that cooked food lasts 3 to 4 days in the fridge and 3 to 4 months in the freezer. Things like vegetables, stocks, and doughs can last longer, but I recommend checking online with a trusted source to be sure of how long each food can be stored.

Can I reuse a marinade I used on my roast chicken?

A marinade that has been in contact with raw meat is a playground for bacteria and should not be reused. That is, unless you bring it to a full boil and simmer for 10 or so minutes before using again. This will alter how the marinade tastes, but it will still get the job done.

Have more holiday entertaining questions? Ask away on our Hotline or drop us a line at 1 (877)-52-HOTLINE.

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